Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The art of play

I get a lot of comments/emails from people that tell me that for a blog about youth sports, I sure write a lot about everything but youth sports!

I guess the reason for that is that I find my inspiration from everyday life. I write about what comes to my mind when I am driving; watching a movie; running; or traveling. I went through my previous posts from the last year, and realized that my blog is not about just youth sports. Its about life.

The plight of youth sports today is really a reflection of what going on today in our hyper-competitive, uber-focused, and mentally draining way of life. Our kids are being pushed, and pushed, and pushed....with very little direction on what the objective is at the end of the day. For parents today, it seems that it is more about the process, than the actual accomplishment of goals.

I spend most of my day working with kids, getting to know their families, and helping everyone stay on course. What strikes me at almost every instance is how much we can learn from kids and about how they approach the process to sports, school, and life.

More coming in the next post.......


Anonymous said...

You said..."For parents today, it seems that it is more about the process, than the actual accomplishment of goals." I would also like to comment, as a parent, that what I find even more important is the actual journey. Sure, both process and the accomplishment of goals are important. But it is perhaps the goals that our kids fail to accomplish that become the key learning opportunities. I notice much more reflection and consideration about his actions, thoughts and abilities when my son fails than when he is successful. Often these failures elicit wonderful questions about life and relationships. Recently he failed to obtain a sports related goal that he had set for himself. Failure certainly can make one very reflective. We had the opportunity to talk about his relationship with his coaches, himself, and his teammates in a way that would not have been possible had he been successful. I for one, look forward to all his successes AND failures on his journey through life.