Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cingular now ATT

I have to say I am really disappointed with Cingular (and Apple)....

Have you ever tried to get a telephone off the Cingular (now ATT Wireless) website? Impossible.

Then you find it and you call it. "We're sorry, please call back during business hours." Lame.

When are these guys going to realize that Skype and Gizmo and Google are coming for them, and just like Toyota took over the car industry, the mega smart companies are going to squash ATT, T-Mobile etc unless they get their product, customer service and deliverables on point.

I own a blackberry and an iphone, both with ATT and I can't stand the customer service or the rate plans. Its a joke. Here's what I want: a phone that works and a rate plan that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg to have even if I travel 200+ days out of the year.

Google hurry up with the gphone.