Saturday, July 19, 2008


IMG_2458, originally uploaded by wr_downing33.

My close friend and business partner James Chen lives and works in Honolulu. During all this time (2 years +) I have never come to visit him. We use email, skype, gizmo, or texting to stay in contact. During this period of time, I felt that those means were effective. Now being with James for a couple days and getting to bounce ideas off each other, and just talk about non-business stuff I see the value in face-to-face interaction again. When you have the synergies of everyone in one room it only helps to spur on debate and thus create great ideas.

Not sure how it will work, but I think James and I need to make it a point to meet twice a year - one time in Hawaii and the other time in San Francisco.

I am curious to know what other business partners think about face-to-face interaction vs. using technology to keep in touch?