Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Social Graph

Today I spent a lot of time reading about the "social graph" on the web. One video that I came across that really made me think was a clip with Fred Wilson talking about how the web is really becoming social, and no one, ultimately will own this social graph -- it got me thinking about Facebook, Flickr, Dopplr and our own site, soccerprofiles.org

There is so much going on in web 2.0 right now that part of me feels that there is going to be a correction in the market - that is to say, there has to be some shake-out from all these social networking sites. right? I mean, can we really have social networking site for everyone and everything?

But on the other hand, it also makes me think that web 2.0 is just the tip of the iceberg. I think 2008 is going to see a lot of really interesting events in the tech world, but how do we capitalize on that is still the question going round and round in my head.