Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Power of Kids

One of the reasons we started ESM was because we believe in the power of youth. Today I got a phone call from a mother who's son we work with......

His high school counselor has just finished telling the mother that her son was never going to college and should just give up on trying. He remarked, "College is not for everyone."

It is that type of negative, narrow-minded person whom we want to re-teach in order to help them work with youth; rather than allowing them to squash the ambitions of those who are working to that end.

At times I feel we are losing the battle, but next spring when this student is accepted to college and graduates high school, it will only speak volumes about how much kids can achieve when we believe in them.....


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure you are the most wonderful, amazing person that I know =) Nice edit work babe.